
Create, retrieve, and delete channels using the Synnax Python client.

The go Client provides interfaces for creating, retrieving, and deleting channels. We’ll cover the details of each of these operations in this guide.

If you’re unfamiliar with what channels are and how they work, check out the channel concepts guide.

Creating Channels

To create channels, we can use the client.Channels.Create and client.Channels.CreateMany methods.

Creating a Data Channel and its Index

Creating a data channel first requires us to create an index channel to store its timestamps:

import (

timeIndexChannel, err := client.Channels.Create(synnax.Channel{
    Name: "time",
    DataType: telem.TimeStampT,
    IsIndex: true,
if err != nil {

sensorChannel, err := client.Channels.Create(synnax.Channel{
    Name: "sensor",
    DataType: telem.Float32T,
    Index: timeIndexChannel.Key,
if err != nil {

Creating Multiple Channels

We can create multiple channels using the client.Channels.CreateMany method along with a slice of channels. This is more efficient than creating many channels individually, and provides the atomic guarantee that either all or no channels will be created.

Keep in mind that we need to create index channels before we can create the data channels that use them.

timeIndex, err := client.Channels.Create(synnax.Channel{
    Name: "time",
    DataType: telem.TimeStampT,
    IsIndex: true,

sensorOne := synnax.Channel{
    Name: "sensor_one",
    DataType: telem.Float32T,
    Index: timeIndex.Key,

sensorTwo := synnax.Channel{
    Name: "sensor_two",
    DataType: telem.Float32T,
    Index: timeIndex.Key,

channels, err := client.Channels.CreateMany([]synnax.Channel{sensorOne, sensorTwo})
if err != nil {

Only Create a Channel if it Doesn’t Exist

There are situations where we want to ensure that a channel with a particular name exists, but don’t want it duplicated if it has already been created. To accomplish this, we can use the channel.RetrieveIfNameExists option.

virtualCh, err := client.Channels.Create(synnax.Channel{
    Name: "virtual",
    DataType: telem.Float32T,
    Virtual: true,
}, channel.RetrieveIfNameExists())
if err != nil {

This also works when creating multiple channels:

channels, err := client.Channels.CreateMany([]synnax.Channel{
    {Name: "virtual_one", DataType: telem.Float32T, Virtual: true},
    {Name: "virtual_two", DataType: telem.Float32T, Virtual: true},
}, channel.RetrieveIfNameExists())
if err != nil {

Retrieving Channels

We can retrieve channels using the client.Channels.Retrieve and client.Channels.RetrieveMany methods.

Retrieving a Single Channel

To retrieve a single channel, we can use the client.Channels.Retrieve method.

// By name
sensor, err := client.Channels.Retrieve(channel.WhereName("sensor"))
if err != nil {

// If you know the key, you can also retrieve by key
sensor, err = client.Channels.Retrieve(channel.WhereKey(sensor.Key))
if err != nil {

This method will return a channel.NotFoundError if no channels match the query, and a channel.MultipleFoundError if more than one channel matches the query. If you’d like to accept no or multiple results, use the client.Channels.RetrieveMany method instead.

Retrieving Multiple Channels

To retrieve multiple channels, we can use the client.Channels.RetrieveMany method.

// By variadic names
channels, err := client.Channels.RetrieveMany(
    channel.WhereName("sensor_one", "sensor_two"),
if err != nil {

// By list of names
channels, err = client.Channels.RetrieveMany(
    channel.WhereNames([]string{"sensor_one", "sensor_two"}),
if err != nil {

// By variadic keys
channels, err = client.Channels.RetrieveMany(
    channel.WhereKey(sensorOne.Key, sensorTwo.Key),
if err != nil {

// By list of keys
channels, err = client.Channels.RetrieveMany(
    channel.WhereKeys([]string{sensorOne.Key, sensorTwo.Key}),
if err != nil {

Note that this method will not return a channel.NotFoundError if a channel is not found. Instead, the missing channel will simply be omitted from the list of results.

Deleting Channels

Deleting a channel will also delete all of the data stored in that channel. This is a permanent operation that cannot be undone. Be careful!

To delete a channel, we can use the client.Channels.Delete method.

// Delete channels matching a name
err := client.Channels.Delete(channel.WhereName("sensor"))
if err != nil {

// Delete channels matching a list of names
err = client.Channels.Delete(
    channel.WhereNames([]string{"sensor_one", "sensor_two"}),
if err != nil {

// Delete by key
err = client.Channels.Delete(channel.WhereKey(sensor.Key))
if err != nil {

// Delete many by key
err = client.Channels.Delete(
    channel.WhereKeys([]string{sensorOne.Key, sensorTwo.Key}),
if err != nil {

Unlike with retrieving channels, Synnax will not raise an error if it cannot find a channel matching the key or name. This means that Delete is an idempotent operation, and is safe to call even if the channel has already been deleted.

Deleting a channel by name will delete all channels with that name.